четверг, 24 апреля 2008 г.



организует в апреле- мае:
Выставку работ художника Эдуарда МАЙДЕНБЕРГА, приуроченную к Дню катастрофы и героизма европейского еврейства.

29-30 апреля
Уроки памяти. Совместная программа Музея истории евреев Молдовы, молодежных организаций и учащихся школ. 12.00-13.00

30 апреля
Конференция по теме «Холокост в нашей памяти».
13.00 – 14.00. В Музее истории евреев Молдовы соберется Круглый стол «Варшавское гетто. Цена сопротивления».
Ведущие К. КРЕЙДЕРМАН – руководитель Клуба толерантности (ЕКЦ) и волонтер «Джоинта» С. ШУЛЬМАН.

Ауд. 208. Семинар «Холокост в литературе». Ведущая - научный сотрудник Отделения иудаики Академии наук РМ И. ШИХОВА.

Ауд. 319. Семинар «Катастрофа в восприятии свидетелей». Ведущий – доктор исторических наук, доцент Педагогического университета Д.ДИМИТРУ.
Дневной центр «Хэсэда». Семинар «Восстание в лагерях и гетто». Ведущий – Е.БРИК, доктор экономических наук, сотрудник отделения иудаики Академии наук.

30 апреля (14.30), 6 мая (14.30)
Муниципальный молодежный драматический театр “С улицы Роз”. Спектакль “А шэйн мэйдл”. Концертно-театральный зал.
Справки и бронирование билетов по тел. 509-671; 509-602; 068122311; zoia@jewish.md

8 мая, 17.30. Праздничный концерт, посвященный 60-летию создания Государства Израиль.
Вход по пригласительным.

Адрес: Диордица, 5. Остановка «пр. Космонавтов».

Сервис-центр: 509-604;509-603;509-619

понедельник, 21 апреля 2008 г.

Bursa de piese noi de teatru

TEATRUL ARIEL din Tîrgu-Mureş împreună cu Fundaţia DRAMAFEST şi UNITER, în
parteneriat cu E-ON anunţă lansarea Bursei de piese noi de teatru
româneşti, finalizată cu premiul DRAMAFEST - E-ON, în valoare de 10 000
LEI. De asemenea, se va acorda un premiu în valoare de 2 000 LEI pentru
piesa cu cel mai important potenţial radiofonic.

Dramaturgii interesaţi să participe la concurs sunt rugaţi să trimită câte
un singur text, care nu a mai fost publicat sau jucat, parţial sau
integral. Textele se primesc numai în variantă electronică, pe adresa
bursatexte@yahoo.com, până la data de 1 Septembrie 2008. Piesele selectate
vor fi anunţate pe data de 1 Octombrie 2008. Lecturile scenice vor avea
loc în prezenţa autorilor, între 23-26 Octombrie 2008 şi vor fi urmate de
premierea piesei câştigătoare şi montarea ei în stagiunea 2008/2009, la
Teatrul Ariel.

Juriul de selecţie a textelor este format din criticii de teatru OANA

Juriul de premiere este format din : Sorin Crişan (critic şi teoretician
de teatru, profesor al UAT - Tg. Mureş), Alina Nelega (dramaturg), Teodor
Cristian Popescu (regizor), Diana Popdan (ziaristă radio), Iulia Popovici
(critic de teatru).

Detaliile privind regulamentul Bursei şi desfăşurarea proiectului pot fi
accesate la www.teatrulariel.ro <http://www.teatrulariel.ro/> , începând
cu data de 15 aprilie 2008 sau telefonic la 0748-203 172, persoană de
contact MARIANA IORDACHE (secretar literar, Teatrul ARIEL).





Globalization and Identity - Open Call for Artworks and Art Projects

Globalization and Identity - Open Call for Artworks and Art Projects

Gallery Galzenica invites all interested artists to submit art proposals
for their new exhibition programme entitled Globalization and Identity.
Deadline: 15th of June 2008.

In the early 1990 s, two major changes were taking place in Croatia:
political and territorial independence from ex Yugoslavia and the first
wave of economic globalisation. As you may know, globalisation is the
economic model that, after the break up of European socialist countries,
with the help of the new technologies (the Internet, mobile networks
etc.), created new ways of making profit. Two opposite social processes
were the consequence of that: degradation of national economies and
proliferation of particular cultural identities.

During 1990 s, the countries of Middle and southeaste Europe were in
search of their position on the new map of Europe and thus found
themselves in a paradox situation of parallel decentralization of economy
and nationalization of culture. The more cultural practice seemed
traditional and particular, the more it represented self-identification
model for newly formed countries. Although impossible for the global
application, the model of so-called traditional culture became the pattern
applicable to national culture through various local and group identities.
The expansion of local media, equality of dialects, World Music and
lifestyle culture are only few of the phenomena that could not exist
without tension between global and national.

The 2009 programme of the Gallery Gal enica casts light on questions such
as what the difference between Europe of nations and Europe of regions is.
Are these countries, once behind the iron curtain , and their great
national stories anachronism or last, though unrepresentative evidence
that modernism is an open-end process (Habermas)?

Furthermore, is the issue of individual, local or national identity rather
an interest of marketing and profit making than the process of personal
and social development? Does globalisation actually encourage
fundamentalism, chauvinism and xenophobia? If yes, what are possible
reasons for multiculturalism? Where has the idea of cosmopolitism
disappeared? Is the only choice we have the one between bad and worse?

We invite you to send your proposal for participation to
galerija.galzenica@globalnet.hr by 15 June 2008.

Klaudio Stefancic, a curator and a director of the Gallery Galzenica, and
Ivana Hanacek, a curator assistant, will carefully review all the
proposals. All submitters will be informed about their application by 1
July 2008.



суббота, 19 апреля 2008 г.

Клуб Любителей Художественной Фотографии - 5 лет на foto.md

Клуб Любителей Художественной Фотографии - 5 лет на foto.md

Клуб Любителей Художественной Фотографии представляет "Фотоколлекцию 5-ти летней Выдержки". Будут представлены лучшие 50 фотографий от 25 фотографов. Помимо таких активных участников, как Роман Рыбалев, Александр Бостан, Адриан Хынку, Виктория Прада, Александр Кирияк, Любомир Цуркану и многих других, в выставке также примут участие и новые авторы: Ирина Мунтян, Игорь Ротарь и другие.

Открытие выставки состоится в Национальном Музее Природы и Этнографии (ул. Когылничану 82) 19 апреля в 11:00 и продлится до 18 мая.

пятница, 18 апреля 2008 г.

in memoriam Emil Loteanu

Centrul Cultural Odeon
> str. M. Eminescu, 55
> tel. 22 10 58
> Repertoriu Неделя памяти Маэстро Емиля Лотяну / In memoriam Maestrului Emil Loteanu
> 18 04 08
> 18 00 Această clipă// Это мгновение
> 20 00 Lăutarii// Лэутары
> 19 04 08
> 18 00 Hora mare //Большая хора(f doc)
> 20 00 Poienele roşii// Крассые поляны
> 20 04 08
> 18 00 Această clipă //Это мгновение
> 20.00 Lăutarii// Лэутары
> 21 04 08
> 18 00 Poienele roşii // Крассые поляны
> 20 00 Hora mare // Большая хора(f doc )
> 22 04 08
> In memoriam maestrului Emil Loteanu
> 18.00 Deschiderea festivă //Торжественное открытие
> 18 25 Emil Loteanu // (f..doc) , 2008 reg. O.Grigoriu
> In Memory of the Greatest Moldovan Film Maker
> Emil Loteanu was a Russian and Moldovan film director, scriptwriter, and poet. He was born on November 6, 1936 in Socriani, Cernigov. In 1953-1955 at the MKhat studio school he took acting classes. In 1962 graduated from VGIK, film director department. In 1962 started work at Moldova-Film studio, where he made his first debut with a heroic revolutionary film “We’ll be back at dawn”. In 1966 Loteanu filmed “Red Fields”, that became the starting point of his poetic and romantic trend in film directing. In 1973 he transferred to Mosfilm. “Gypsy Camp Leaves for the Sky” and “My gentle and tender creature” brought the director true recognition. His films were honored with numerous international awards. Loteanu published several volumes of poems and prose.
> Emil Loteanu passed away on April 18. On the 25th he had been expected in Chisinau to start working on a new film that could have been the hope of the Moldovan film industry.
> The news of his decease was a shock to everyone, friends and enemies, those who admired and disliked his work. Whatever the feelings towards him, Loteanu’s art helped promote Moldova on an international scale during the Soviet times. Nikita Mikhalkov, a famous Russian producer, expressed what was probably the most objective point of view. He said that it is possible not to like Emil Loteanu as a film director, but his gifted presence in the film industry is indisputable.
> For many people his works were romance and celebration, which regardless of skin color, age, or gender everybody seeks. A poet by nature, Loteanu could feel the endless yearning for beauty and realized a nation’s dream in his films. He was one of those rare people that knew what their audience needed without market research or advertising, the type of man that could create art and treat the audience to it. Like no one else Loteanu possessed the skill of marketing himself and of building an impressive image.
> One of the things that Emil Loteanu could not resist was beauty. Beautiful women had an amazing power over him. Some of them, including Svetlana Toma and Galina Beliaeva, were young actresses he helped achieve success. To him they were like special works of art, unique creations that helped reflect the best of what exists on earth and convey an inside world full of feeling and emotion.
> Loteanu’s was a personality that dominated with its creativity and profound inspiration. A boundless source of energy made his stories colorful and exciting even when there was a lack of words to describe all the traces of feeling. “When I make films, I make good films, not some sort of rubbish!” he would exclaim, giving people around him the unceasing impression of a man that could rise to the sky on the strength of his talent and flamboyancy.
> Some directors acknowledged that Loteanu was the only one in the Soviet Union who could create spectacular films with perfectly cut takes and colorful scenes. The question he asked himself was what the right material for molding a central character would be. And according to Loteanu there were many leading roles in a movie because even if the actor came on for only ten seconds, he still had to be the central hero in that brief period of time, which could account for the strongest impressions from the film.
> Before he became famous Loteanu led a vagrant lifestyle, sleeping in the storage rooms of the Chisinau Philharmonic and moving from one hostel to another. At the age of eight he had to face the real world and overcome all the difficulties of being an independent person. Loteanu’s father, a wealthy Polish miller, was killed at the end of the war. Escaping the soviet regime Emil and his mother traveled to Romania. On the way there she lost track of her son. They met years afterwards in Bucharest when she already had another family. Loteanu did not want to intrude, and at 18 he returned to Chisinau. After several years as a member of the Moldovan delegation for the Republic’s Cultural Festival, Loteanu decided to stay in Moscow. On his next trip to Chisinau Loteanu was already a renowned maestro. People recognized him in the streets, and those that could catch at least a glimpse of him felt honored.
> Loteanu was not only a director who created distinctive film heroes but also a man who progressed with every new development in his work. He was an ostentatious personality and the biggest spendthrift, living by the principle “all that is earned should be spent”. Although he was the first man in Chisinau to own a car, Loteanu gave no great value to his material possessions. He was loved for his spirit, charm, and ability to make beauty more tangible for thousands of people.
> By Natalia Corobco

среда, 16 апреля 2008 г.

expozitie personala Andrei Gamart

Buna tuturor

va invit la o expozitie personala
in Galeria "ALEXANDER" de pe str. Banulescu Bodoni
nr.41 (vizavi de targul de flori de langa Biblioteca
Municipala "B.P.Hasdeu")

Vernisajul va avea loc maine, Joi, 17 aprilie 2007,
ora 16:00

Presupun - cam o luna va tine aceasta expozitie. Deci
cand aveti timp puteti trece pe acolo.


Studioul Moldova-Film organizeaza Ziua Usilor Deschise

Pe 17 aprilie (joi) 2008 Studioul „Moldova-Film” organizează Ziua Uşilor Deschise, prilej de a invita publicul să viziteze Muzeul cinematografic „Moldova-Film”, platourile de filmare şi baza tehnică de producere a filmelor.
> Pentru producători şi specialiştii în domeniul televiziunii, industriei video şi cinema în cadrul acestei manifestări va fi prezentat utilajul şi echipamentul modern, nou şi performant achiziţionat în 2007. Aparatajul e de producţie AVENGER, SONY, ARRI, TASCAM, DIGIDESIGN ş. a. , firme recunoscute şi apreciate pe piaţa mondială. În lotul de utilaj cinematografic intră: modul universal de sincronizare, pupitru, camcorder HDV, procesor efecte, sonnar, staţie montaj, sistem radio Lectrosonic, microfoane (inclusiv capacitive cu lampă), magnetofoane video, seturi Compact (captarea sunetului în platouri şi la natură), preamplificatoare şi amplificatoare, compresoare, computere, proiectoare video, monitoare, audiorecordere (CD, portativ), seturi de aparate de iluminat, obiective, filtre, acumulatoare, stative, generatoare, căşti telefonice etc.
> De asemenea Ziua Uşilor Deschise va marca aniversarea a 50 de ani de la producerea şi lansarea filmului artistic de lung metraj „Balada haiducească”, care va fi proiectat în aceeaşi zi în sala mare a Studioului „Moldova-Film”.
> Inaugurarea oficială a Zilei Uşilor Deschise va avea loc cu începere de la ora 11.00 la data de 17.04.2008.
> Prin aceasta manifestare Studioul va serba aniversarea a 56 de ani de la fondare, conform documentelor istorice ce atestă data de 26 aprilie 1952, zi în care ministrul cinematografiei al URSS, G.I. Bolşakov, a semnat ordinul privind întemeierea la Chişinău a unui studiou de filme cronical-documentare, ce în 1957 primeşte statutul de Studiou de filme artistice „Moldova-Film”, ce a devenit un brand mondial datorită creaţiei cinematografice a mai multor generaţii de artişti, numele cărora a devenit o mîndrie a Republicii Moldova.
> Пресс релиз
> 08.04.2008
> 17 апреля 2007 г. (четверг) Киностудия «Молдова-Филм» организует День открытых дверей. Приглашаются кинематографисты, журналисты, студенты, учащиеся лицеев для ознакомления с Музеем киностудии, новой современной техникой для съемок и озвучения кинофильмов, съемочными павильонами, осветительной техникой последнего поколения, натурными площадками, складами костюмов и реквизитов, используемых при съемках.
> Для кинопродюсеров будет демонстрироваться в режиме действия новейшая съемочная техника, приобретенная студией в 2007 году: AVENGER, SONY, ARRI, TASCAM, DIGIDESIGN и др. произведенная соответствующими фирмами и признанная во всем мире.
> В состав оборудования входят: универсальный модуль звукозаписи и синхронизации, пюпитр камкордер HDV , процессор для эффектов, сонар, стационарный монтажный комплекс, оптика, фильтры, аккумуляторы, штативы, генераторы, наушники и пр.
> Для участников Дня открытых дверей будет сделана экскурсия по музею и цехам студии, а также показан фильм «Атаман Кодр» 50–летие выпуска на экран которого исполняется в 2008 году.
> Официальное открытие Дня открытых дверей состоится в 11.00 утра 17 апреля 2008 г.
> Это мероприятие посвящается 56-летию студии, основанной 26 апреля 1952 года, когда министр кинематографии СССР Г.И.Большаков подписал приказ об образовании Кишиневской Киностудии, с 1957 носящей имя «Молдова-Филм».
> Благодаря многочисленными наградами на региональных, всесоюзных и международных кинофестивалях Студия «Молдова-Филм» стала известным брэндом во всем кинематографическом мире.
> Inaugurarea Zilei usilor deschise e programata pentru ora 11.00. În program:
> - vizitarea Muzeului cinematografic „Moldova-Film";
> - prezentarea utilajului şi echipamentului nou, modern, achiziţionat
> în baza grantului guvernamental în 2007;
> - prezentarea pavilioanelor, depozitelor de costume şi recuzită, a
> platourilor de filmare;
> - vizionarea filmului „Balada haiducească" în legătură cu
> semicentenarul apariţiei sale pe ecran .
> Vom fi foarte recunoscatori daca veti anunta si alte persoane
> interesate care ar putea sa vina in aceasta zi la Moldova-Film.

пятница, 11 апреля 2008 г.

spatii autonome prezentari si discutii


In data de 12 aprilie, intre orele 15:00 - 18:00, la "Centrul
Expozitional Brincusi" va avea loc o prezentare despre centre de tineret,
centre culturale, spatii autonome si squat-uri.

Evenimentul are loc in cadrul "Zilelor de actiuni descentralizate in
sprijinul spatiilor autonome si squat-uri" (www.squat.net). Doua zile in
care se va incerca sa se discute, sa se faca actiuni in sprijinul
spatiilor libere si autonome. Timp de secole oamenii au folosit spatiile
autonome, fie urbane, fie rurale, ca un instrument de a-si controla
singuri viata. Spatiile autonome sunt niste alternative la modelele
existente, bazate pe consumerism si exploatarea orbeasca a resurselor.
Fiind spatii bazate pe principii non-ierarhice, si promovind principiile
participative, ele au reprezentat de a lungul timpului un refugiu pentru
cei care doresc sa traiasca diferit si sa se exprime liber.

Prezentarea se doreste sa fie o introducere in acest subiect, ea va
consta din prezentari a diferitor centre autonome si tineret:
AJZ-Hemmingen - Centru de tineret din Hannover, Germania; Centre de
Convergenta ca modele de spatii autonome; proiectii de film si discutii.
Evenimentul va fi in limba romana si engleza, in caz de necesitate
traducerea va fi asigurata.

Clubul Literar Bunker

noua sedinta a Clubului se va desfasura sambata aceasta fiindca autorul
nu poate veni luni, sper ca veti putea sa gasiti niste timp liber si
pentru noi.

Va invitam deci la
Clubul Literar Bunker Chisinau
din 12 Aprilie 2008, Sambata
ora 15.00

Va citi poezie

Va expediem textele pe care le vom discuta la sedinta ( le gasiti
atasate mai jos). De fapt sunt mai multe texte dintre care autorul va
face pe loc o selectie.
Sedinta va avea loc in acelasi spatiu, Sala cu Camin a Uniunii
Scriitorilor. Va asteptam.

Toate cele bune
andrei gamart.

textele ce vor fi discutate

четверг, 3 апреля 2008 г.